Niseko Village Airport ExpressNiseko Village Airport ExpressNiseko Village Airport Express

How to Book
1. Precautions when making a reservation
Please check the details (date, number or time of flight, pick-up or drop-off place, etc.) when you book.

●How to choose the bus
Please ensure sufficient time to transit between the flight and bus as follows:
Domestic: 45 mins after the time of arrival / 60 mins before the time of departure.
International: 90 mins after the time of arrival / 120 mins before the time of departure.
2. Online Booking and Payment
Please make the reservation via the booking form.
The reservation should be made 4 days prior (7 days before in winter) to the travel date.
Payment should be made by Stripe.
Payment needs to be settled within 24 hours. Your booking will be automatically canceled if payment is not confirmed by the deadline.
3. Confirmation
Once you complete filling in the form, you will receive a message for the confirmation.
4. The date of your trip
The bus departs on time. Please come to the meeting place or bus stop 10 minutes before departure.
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